From the Skunk Works to the airliner: lessons from Alpine’s HX5 nanocomposite
From the Skunk Works to the airliner: lessons from Alpine’s HX5 nanocomposite
November 23, 2022
As the aviation industry continues to seek to reduce weight, a new material with all the strength of aluminum for half the weight is offered by Alpine.
Making Drones Lighter, Stronger and More Scalable
Making Drones Lighter, Stronger and More Scalable
November 03, 2022
In this episode of the Drone Radio show, Jeremy Smith talks about HX5, an aviation grade nano-composite, and how it can help make stronger, lighter drones.
Almaden Genomics Launches as Privately Funded Spinoff From IBM Research | Catalyze Dallas
Almaden Genomics Launches as Privately Funded Spinoff From IBM Research
October 24, 2022
Catalyze Dallas launches Almaden Genomics with the introduction of g.nome, a cloud-based software platform meant to improve genomic research.
Alpine Introduces Rapid Prototype Molding Option
Alpine Introduces Rapid Prototype Molding Option
August 24, 2022
Alpine Advanced Materials is introducing rapid prototype molding to dramatically speed and lower the cost of part testing and proof.
Alpine Introduces Rapid Prototype Molding Option | Catalyze Dallas
Alpine Introduces Rapid Prototype Molding Option
August 24, 2022
Alpine Advanced Materials has introduced Rapid Prototype Molding to provide a functional, testable part at a fraction of the time and cost.
David Brantner Joins Alpine as Chief Executive Officer
David Brantner Joins Alpine as Chief Executive Officer
August 16, 2022
Alpine Advanced Materials welcomes David Brantner as the company's new Chief Executive Officer.
David Brantner Joins Alpine as Chief Executive Officer | Catalyze Dallas
David Brantner Joins Alpine as Chief Executive Officer
August 16, 2022
Alpine Advanced Materials welcomes new CEO David Brantner, who brings extensive strategy and corporate development expertise.
Harnessing the Benefits of Material Strength
Harnessing the Benefits of Material Strength
July 14, 2022
New material technology allows for parts and components that are equally strong and, in many ways, better than traditional metals, improving performance.
Alpine Advanced Materials highlights HX5
Alpine Advanced Materials highlights HX5
July 13, 2022
Alpine presented its high-tech material HX5 at AIX, which it expects to replace aluminum in the cabin for small components such as armrests and brackets.